Collection: Eheart
Originating from Taiwan, the E-Heart brand was founded by actress and model Liu Yi Hsin, a Taiwanese celebrity most well known for her sexy body.
Established in 2011, E-Heart products are 100% made in Taiwan. The brand has been awarded the prestigious MIT mark, ensuring the highest quality controls.
The E-Heart brand consists of non-wired Day wear bra, night wear bras, sports bras, camisole with built-in bra, slimming stockings, hip slimming belts and other beauty-related items.
e-heart 伊心“品牌由台灣美胸皇后劉伊心監製在2011年於台灣正式成立,與台灣知名大廠合作,全程台灣高品質製作。並一直致力於為客戶提供優質的MIT產品,當中包括:24H夜寢美胸衣,美腳宣言顯瘦褲襪,雙加壓集中平腹提臀帶等等,當中不少產品更經常獲得台灣人氣電視節目"康熙來了","女人我最大"以及潮流雜誌“VIVI”推介。除此之外”e-heart 伊心“在亞太地區建立強而有力的連鎖銷售網路,包括台灣、香港、中國大陸、新加坡、馬來西亞等。在亞太區積極拓展業務,並且持續發展,這股積極的力量造就了”e-heart 伊心“成為了消費者心目中的優質品牌。